The Conversion Key

When you get targeted visitors to your site, the next thing that you want to do is convert them to clients.

The fact is that the majority of people who come to your web site will not visit you again. That is why you need to capture their details immediately. That way, you can direct them back with special offers and important news. Most people either buy or contact between the 8th – 12th visit to your site. This means that you have to get them back in order to build a relationship with you so that they feel comfortable either buying, picking-up the phone to call or contacting you some other way.

You will need to think about what you want to achieve before you go and launch a massive email campaign. For example, you need to know about what to offer – at least for the sign-up (or opt-in) box.

When you want people to join your mailing list (client database) it is a good idea to offer a little bribe to sweeten the deal. Provided that the free information that you are offering is helpful people will like you more The offer may consist of a mini-course, a report or maybe some kind of trial. Whatever it is, if it is free and it is helpful your audience will love you for it and you will boost the amount of subscribers.

Good Luck

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