Page Loading Speed

One of the ingredients to getting sites to rank higher is to have a fast-loading page. Obviously, the search engines like to recommend sites to their customers (the end-user) that load fast. You could imagine if Yahoo!, Google or Bing recommended (or ranked) web sites that took a long time to load.

So how do you get your site to load quickly?


Normally we recommend against having too much JavaScript on your page. Now this doesn’t mean that you can’t have JavaScript. It simply means that if you want to use JavaScript for some kind of fucntion such as rollover menu buttons, form validation or banner rotation, then you should call the script from an external file. This will be one line of code in the source of your web site that basically tells the external file to operate.

Image Issues

We often get people who have large images in their web site that have been scaled as opposed to resized. Obviously the best software to get for resizing is Photoshop. But you can also use the free software called Gimp which is free. As a rule, try to resize the images to a resonable size. I would say that you should not try to go over 75kb in images on the front page of a web page if you want it to rank well.

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