Local Search Marketing – A Fresh Approach

Researching the most effective keywords is essential and directly determines the quality of your online marketing campaign. You can search for effective keywords in Google. This search tool is usually for people wanting to create a relevant keyword list for their Google Adwords PPC campaign.

Organic Searches

The fact is that most searches performed on the Internet are local searches. No longer are people searching for their service, e.g. “web designer”. The fact is that people are searching for the service in their particular area. For Example, people now are searching more for “web designer gold coast”.

Bulk of the Traffic

Sure, being ranked in the top 10 in Google for the search terms “web designer” is great. But let’s be honest, if you were in the top 10 rankings in Google for “web designer” you probably wouldn’t have enough time to be reading this.

But if you are a web designer on the Gold Coast, it may result in a lot of traffic, but that traffic will not be qualified. Qualified traffic is the backbone of any business – online or bricks and mortar.

Qualified Traffic

If you haven’t got qualified traffic, your efforts may be focused in the wrong area. We always recommend to our clients that we need to specifically targeted the audience. Quite often this means that localising the search is half the battle.

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